Saturday, April 19, 2008

Walking Around

Here are a few pictures from walking around our apartment.

HotelOne is the tallest building in Taichung, easily seen from our balcony and pretty much anywhere in the city. It is a new hotel in the Landis chain. We have now tried out their TopOfOne restaurant on the 49th floor (for Teresa's birthday) and their 27th floor restaurant. More about those later.

Moon Light Basin is adjacent to HotelOne and is another apartment building where several work colleagues live. It looks out onto park on two sides.

A luggage store on the next block. There is a word for buildings whose shape mirrors their function. Like the drive-through pharmacy in Lexington, KY or the ice cream shop in Massachusetts. I have to look that one up. (Looked it up - the term is mimetic architecture)
A temple in another local park. There are many small and large Buddist temples scattered through the city and hidden like little gems where you least expect to find them.
Teresa was following me across the street. I hustled and she did not, leaving her in the middle of a major street for a sequence of lights. As you can may not be able to tell, she was not happy.

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