Saturday, August 9, 2008

Storm damage

For the days after Typhoon Kalmaegi, we kept our eyes out for storm damage. There was not a lot visible as the issue was mostly rain and the amount of it. However near our apartment is a canal that directs the flow of a river through the city. Usually a small center section (deeper) is the only part that is full and flowing. This is one of Teresa's pictures of normal flow. 
During the storm the full canal was flowing and the level rose (we heard) very high. One of the bridges across the canal near our apartment failed and fell into the canal. In a couple other spots, the walls of the canal were undercut. The city government removed the fallen bridge on Sunday after the storm and buttressed the walls in spots with concrete pieces that look like kids toys. We'll post pictures of that area soon. One of the spots gone (seen below before the storm) had a lot of interesting graffiti.

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