In the next block from our place is a canal that controls water, particularly storm surges through the area. The canal winds across several streets at a high angle and makes for a nice walking path. Teresa walks here on her morning constitutionals (while I do the treadmill in the gym). There are many bridges across the canal, each of them different, and some quite unique. 

Crossing a major street, we passed what was (obviously) a butcher shop, with their truck outside. The sign above the shop shows the same graphic of cow and cuts of meat.
We crossed WenXin Road (or UenXin Road) on the pedestrian overpass for a view of the road. I am constantly amazed by the tropical flora, such as the palms trees in the middle of the road. I guess growing up in New England does not prepare you for that, no matter where you have travelled. Teresa had to pose on the overpass.
I also could not resist a picture of a store whose name would not go over well in the States. Why any store would be called Evil, and look like a normal women's wear shop, I do not know.
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